Monday, October 27, 2014

Gringa Problems

I can't tell you how many times I have been called gringa this week. We were talking with a lady on the street and we mentioned that we were the Spanish missionaries, and she looks straight at me and is like, "But you're white...". Another woman who we did service with was talking to me and she was asking how it was possible that I speak Spanish. She could not wrap her head around a gringa knowing actual Spanish. We were also on the phone with our investigator and he's all "wait is this the gringa one or the other one?" In Spanish of course. The gringa comments just won't stop. And it wouldn't be bad, but they all think my companion is Mexican just because of her brown hair. AND SHE'S FROM IDAHO. So, we both think brown hair is my next step.

Hey mom, remember when they told me it doesn't rain here?
We got rained on this week. Like POURING We were at an appointment with a recent convert, which was awesome. He told us about how he has now repented for wanting to go to a different church this past month.   
We had to leave quickly, because we could see rain coming and we were on our bikes. We rode to our dinner appointment, and the rain hit so hard. It was stinging, it was raining so hard. We showed up to dinner soaked. But our member dried our clothes, and we just laughed all night long about it.

Thursday (our real bike day, when we aren't allowed to touch our car) was the longest day of my life. We had no appointments, and no one was on the streets to talk to. It was like 90 degrees, and the day just did not end. Me and my companion wanted to cry it was so painful, We only saw one person all day, and he said he knew Thomas S. Monson, which caught our attention, but then he went on to explain that he was the black preacher from Nigeria. He also told us that he was a prophet. Let's just say, Thursday was one of those days when I really questioned why I ever wanted to serve a mission.

Picking grapes off the side of the road
on bike day.
Excuse the ugly helmet
BUT, Friday and Saturday were so much better! Friday we got to meet with our new investigator Marissa and her 2 daughters. They were such a hoot! They were trying on our helmets, knocking over bikes, reading scriptures--it was such a fun lesson! We are having so much fun teaching them, and they are so excited to learn! I love when I get to teach families. They light up missionary work!

Manuel, our investigator, is doing awesome! His schedule changes this week, so he can start coming to church! He is really excited to be baptized and finally feel clean, because he is going through a really hard time right now.

We also got a referral from a morning find. When we called them, they wanted nothing to do with us, but when we offered service, they took that so quickly! We went with the elders to pick up some fallen trees. My companion got hit in the head too by a log:( The elder who did it felt so bad! But she's doing better! The wife reminded me of mom and the husband was just so crazy and funny. It was awesome. By the end, they asked if they could come to church and they actually did! They loved it and they're coming next week too. It's amazing what service can do for people. I love watching this gospel change people's lives. People get so excited when we tell them everything this message has to offer them.
Anyway, very exhausting week, but I loved it! Transfer calls come Saturday so PRAY that me and my companion will stay together. I don't want to get split up yet!!

Hermana Peck
The district. (Ha.) It's dang hard to get a picture with these Elders acting normal

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