Monday, March 30, 2015

Man oh man these weeks are FLYING. I feel like I was just here emailing like a day ago. I so badly just want to hold onto every day. Being a missionary, I get to see first hand how much this gospel blesses us. It changes the people I talk to, it changes my family, it changes me! I feel like I am a completely different person some days...And then my desire to eat acai on the beach while listening to Switchfoot comes back and I can tell that I'm still good old Rebecca:)

I got to learn how to make tortillas this week! FINALLY. I have been wanting to make them my whole life and we finally got to learn. They are so easy. But mom, I think you need to buy me a tortilladora when I get home. It's worth it, I promise. It makes them so much easier to make. And I think you can only buy them in Mexico, so we may need to take that vacation too:) Just maybe though.

We set a baptismal date with Janie and Doug!!! They are so excited about it. The day we set it, Janie called us to tell us she was writing it up on her calendar. In the lesson, we were talking about their questions from the Book of Mormon and then after they were done, they looked at each other and then at us and said "Okay, we are ready to make the commitment". Stupid me, I had zero idea what that meant haha and so my companion went ahead rejoicing and set the date. I don't know why, but I was so lost. AND IT WAS IN ENGLISH. I am so excited for them. They have been talking with members of our church about our beliefs for most of their lives, and now in their 60's they are finally accepting the gospel. It is amazing! I just can't wait for their sealing. I will be there without fail. I love them too much to not go!

Also, we have a less active member who had a few questions about her family this week and what steps she needed to take to help her family. We promised her that if she watched all the sessions of general conference (including the woman's session) her answer would come. And I could not believe my ears when they spent the whole evening talking about the family in that session. I just about died of happiness watching it. I talked with her after and she was like, "man, you weren't kidding! That was full of answers, wasn't it." I just really really really love how God works.

One last thing, we were talking to a lady in a dumpster this week. She used to be a member of the church! And she wants us to come teach her. We just have to get bishop's permission, and then we'll go for it. God truly is reaching out to all of us every day! He loves us so much.

I hope you all have an amazing Easter Sunday/Conference weekend. Can it get any better than that??? I am so excited. We are too spoiled as members of this church. Come with lots of questions and there will be lots of answers!!

Love you all! Don't forget to share #becausehelives
Whether you're Mormon or not, it will strengthen your testimony of Jesus Christ. He lives today and He loves us so much!

Hermana Peck

Monday, March 23, 2015

She had a bunny right by the door!

I cannot express how wonderful it is for the weather to warm up! We've been spending so much time outside and we have met so many new people! New investigators are joining our teaching pool, and our prayers for the work of mighty miracles this transfer are being answered. I could not be more grateful for how much the Lord is blessing our work and our area right now.

We've been teaching a cute old couple, referred to us by our Bishop, who have always known people from the church. After teaching the Restoration, the husband was in tears and the wife's only concern was if their friend from Salt Lake who introduced them to the church could baptize them. Of all the concerns someone could have, I couldn't have asked for a better one! We are so excited to keep on teaching them! Plus, it's really helping our Bishop get excited about the work. When a bishop is working hard to share the gospel, the whole ward gets excited for missionary work as well. I swear, THE WORK IS HASTENING. And I get to be in the middle of it! It's way too fun. I just love being a missionary so much. It is the biggest blessing and I could have never predicted how much I would need it.

On Thursday, we had exchanges, and I stayed in Borger with my STL [Sister Training Leader], Sister Carroll. She is an amazing leader! We had no plans that day.  We weren't allowed to use our car, and it was pouring outside. But we didn't let any of that stop us.  We got out on foot from lunch to dinner in the rain walking ALL OVER TOWN. And it was so worth it! We found 2 families...not just one but TWO, and so many other solid potential investigators. I was so excited. Plus, the majority of people we talked to were Spanish! That never happens here in Borger, but it was such a blessing! Plus, Sister Carroll doesn't speak any Spanish, so I got lots of practice!

Also, I received a mini miracle this week. I still don't understand why God even thought to bless me like this, but I was so grateful for it! Tuesday night I was in bed. It was after 10:30, and I couldn't sleep because I was thinking about how we needed to contact a particular area the next day. I wrote it down so I could get it out of my head and then fell asleep. The next day, we went over to that area, and no house but one stood out to me. We knocked it, and she wasn't interested at all, but just as we were going to leave, Sister Ogles commented on the fact that she had a bunny right by the door. I hadn't even seen it because of where I was standing, but I got soooo excited. She let me hold it and I was in heaven! My companion thought I was crazy, but I was so happy. God just loves us too much.

I hope you all have an amazing week and seek out those little miracles! God wants to bless us so badly! He'll do anything and everything to make us happy:)

Love you all!

Hermana Peck

Monday, March 9, 2015

Kids make miracles happen

Man, this week has been so crazy busy! I love weeks like this. I've been yearning for weeks like this. It feels like I get so much done and the spirit is so strong when we have weeks like this. But, I'll start off with the boring stuff first.

(Don't read this if you have a weak stomach) So, This week at district lunch, we went to some random, on the corner, Mexican restaurant in Pampa. I thought it was GOOD. But I don't know what it is about my companions, but they just can't hang some days. Sister Ogles ran into the car after lunch and basically puked her guts out. Poor girl can't catch a break. So, Tuesday we didn't get to work much, but our house got nice and clean because of it!

Wednesday we got back out to work, and it was so fun. We had a lesson with a new investigator in the morning and I don't think I've ever experienced something so crazy. During the period of a 20 minute lesson, her child  repeatedly hit me in the face with a ninja turtle, the pizza guy came, the fire alarm rang for half the lesson, and the entire time she talked about how her kid just killed their dog and it died on the blanket we were sitting on and how the Book of Mormon looks like an AA book. Sometimes, I don't understand God's sense of humor, but you just have to laugh away lessons like those and keep looking for those who are prepared:)

Also, we found another family to teach! They are so amazing. Their son is 12 and probably the most solid person I've ever met. He LOVES praying and he will not let his family go to bed without saying family prayer now that we committed them to. Kids make miracles happen in missionary work, I'm telling ya! I don't know much about them, because we only taught them once, but I'll keep you updated on their progress!

Later in the week, a former investigator from like 6 months ago called us freaking out because he heard some war was starting and he had a dream about it too so he wanted our opinion on it. Haha, we'll take it! He has been taught for about 6 years off and on, but he seems to really want it. I couldn't believe the lesson. Never have I had an investigator be so close to the spirit. He was seriously teaching me and Sister Ogles things the entire time. Everything he said, you could just tell that he is really seeking truth.

Also, on Friday, a miracle happened. I don't know if I mentioned this, but at the beginning of our transfer, Sister Ogles said that missionaries can't have fun because that leads them to break rules. JUST ABOUT KILLED ME. So, I've been working on that:) And while we were driving home from service, she randomly said something along the lines of, "wow, I have had so much fun today. And we didn't break any mission rules. I guess you can have fun as a missionary." I cannot begin to express how happy my heart was. FINALLY! Looks like this next transfer with Sister Ogles in Borger will be full of fun:) (Oh yeah, transfer calls came on Saturday!)

Saturday was an amazing day! We got to go to the temple and see a family  be sealed that was baptized about a year ago! The room was FULL of missionaries. Ones that had gone home, and ones that were all over the mission still. It was so cool to see all the people that worked to help this family get sealed. My favorite part was when their kids came in. MELTED MY HEART. It was the cutest thing ever. #familiesareforeverforreals I love this gospel and how happy it makes us and our families!

Sunday, we had a baptism with the daughter of one of our less active sisters. It was so amazing! She normally has work and can't come to church, but she wanted this so badly for her daughter, and you could just see the Lord moving mountains for their family this Sunday. It brought their family so close, and you could just feel the spirit in their home that night. Once again, I love this gospel and how happy it makes us and our families!

Also, this Sunday we were driving and these two like 6 year old boys came flying down the road in some sort of dune buggy (is that what they're called), cut me off, and then started spinning doughnuts on the side of the road. SCARED ME TO DEATH. I don't know how two kids (like LITTLE kids) were driving on the road, but I just about died laughing about how ridiculous it was. Only in Borger...

There is so much more to share, but no time at all! I love you! Have a great week:)

Hermana Peck

Bible belt notice
The district 
Best temple trip yet!
Grace's baptism!

Monday, March 2, 2015

Fun is happening in Borger!

So this week I wrote everything down that I wanted to tell y'all so I wouldn't forget! Hopefully, this email will actually have something worth reading. Anyway, this week has been so packed full of random things happening. Fun is happening in Borger (FINALLY)! We went on exchanges this week and Sister Affleck came to Borger with me for the day. We had so much fun, laughed a ton, set 5 baptismal dates, and had a lesson at Braums. It was a busy 24 hours, that's for sure. Plus, she doesn't speak a lick of spanish, so I taught 100% of the spanish lessons. Plus, never did I ever get lost. NOT ONCE. Hallelujah to that. I was so paranoid that I would. Me and Sister Ogles had driving privileges switched so I can keep getting to know the area in case she gets transferred. And just my luck, a snowstorm rolled in the next day and I got stuck relearning how to drive in the snow. I may have given Sister Ogles a few heart attacks, but we're alive!

I finally convinced Sister Ogles to go to the doctor this's our first counselor in the bishopric, so it was a little awkward, but they fit us in quick! He thought she had mono hahaha he would not let it go either, because the idea of a missionary with mono is just wrong. But it came back idea what's wrong, but we'll keep working anyway!

We had dinner with a member this week and she is the epitome of mom, but like 100% more intense. She has this crazy huge garden, pigs, chickens, all of it. And she loves music and I could just go on but there's no time. Anyway, it just felt a little homey this week with her. I think mom and her will be best friends. Too bad she doesn't use Facebook...that's like the one difference. I also got albondigas this week! FINALLY SOME HISPANIC FOOD. It is my fave and I just about died when they brought it out to us. And it was at the end of probably the worst and coldest bike day of my life. Such a blessing. While we were setting the table that night, her son came up behind me and just lifted up my skirt awkward. Luckily I had on tights, but that doesn't do much!

Our investigators are doing well. They are progressing! Progression in Borger is way different from other area's definitions, but it is still great:) And people I would have never expected to progress are doing so well. Just keep praying for them. "Anti" is big out here, and it is so heartbreaking when that happens!

Also, last night while we were driving home, there were these dogs just running around all the cars and we couldn't move for a good 30 seconds...they wouldn't leave! No idea where they came from or where they were headed, but they were super happy and it was adorable.

Okay, I have to go, but I hope y'all have a great week! Love you!!

Hermana Peck

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Thanks Chrystal and Cardiff Ward Youth

I swear, I never even know what to tell y'all about my weeks. I feel like it just started! Time is going by so fast, but it has taught me so much about taking advantage of every moment I have out here to serve full time. It is so much of a blessing to be out here, so hard, but way too fun to be considered work half the time. I cannot believe week 5 is starting of this transfer. I'm kinda terrified that if Sister Ogles leaves, I'll have no idea where anything is. Like at all. Especially with the snowstorm that just came in! It all looks the same!!

Our investigators are doing well! We had zone conference in Amarillo this week and we talked a ton about planning, and it has changed my mission. Ever since we started working on healing people rather than just teaching at them, we have seen so many cool things happen! We are finding new investigators like crazy! And most of them understand English, but prefer Spanish, so I don't have to translate at church as much:) HALLELUJAH! We are seeing people start to progress that we really never thought would! Plus, people are referring us to people that are solid, so we don't have to contact in this crazy snow. It's a good thing too, because I couldn't fix the whole in my boot until today. But like I told Cliff a little earlier, missionaries have to suffer through stuff like that so we can learn:)

I am just so grateful for all the support I'm getting from home. The youth sent me a fun package of letters this week for valentines day and all the family is just too fun when it comes to mail. People keep saying it will fade as the mission goes, but at the rate y'all are at, I'll still look like a new missionary when I go home.

Okay, I have to go. I love you all so much! Stay warm in this snow everyone (minus all you spoiled San Diego people--enjoy the perfect weather!) Sorry this email has like 0 information, but I'm keeping a journal, so you'll hear about it all eventually!
Love you all!

Peace out,
Hermana Peck
A quick tour of Borger:) 

never ending cotton candy skies before the snowstorm rolled in
Thanks Chrystal!! I'm so spoiled by my wonderful family:)