Monday, March 23, 2015

She had a bunny right by the door!

I cannot express how wonderful it is for the weather to warm up! We've been spending so much time outside and we have met so many new people! New investigators are joining our teaching pool, and our prayers for the work of mighty miracles this transfer are being answered. I could not be more grateful for how much the Lord is blessing our work and our area right now.

We've been teaching a cute old couple, referred to us by our Bishop, who have always known people from the church. After teaching the Restoration, the husband was in tears and the wife's only concern was if their friend from Salt Lake who introduced them to the church could baptize them. Of all the concerns someone could have, I couldn't have asked for a better one! We are so excited to keep on teaching them! Plus, it's really helping our Bishop get excited about the work. When a bishop is working hard to share the gospel, the whole ward gets excited for missionary work as well. I swear, THE WORK IS HASTENING. And I get to be in the middle of it! It's way too fun. I just love being a missionary so much. It is the biggest blessing and I could have never predicted how much I would need it.

On Thursday, we had exchanges, and I stayed in Borger with my STL [Sister Training Leader], Sister Carroll. She is an amazing leader! We had no plans that day.  We weren't allowed to use our car, and it was pouring outside. But we didn't let any of that stop us.  We got out on foot from lunch to dinner in the rain walking ALL OVER TOWN. And it was so worth it! We found 2 families...not just one but TWO, and so many other solid potential investigators. I was so excited. Plus, the majority of people we talked to were Spanish! That never happens here in Borger, but it was such a blessing! Plus, Sister Carroll doesn't speak any Spanish, so I got lots of practice!

Also, I received a mini miracle this week. I still don't understand why God even thought to bless me like this, but I was so grateful for it! Tuesday night I was in bed. It was after 10:30, and I couldn't sleep because I was thinking about how we needed to contact a particular area the next day. I wrote it down so I could get it out of my head and then fell asleep. The next day, we went over to that area, and no house but one stood out to me. We knocked it, and she wasn't interested at all, but just as we were going to leave, Sister Ogles commented on the fact that she had a bunny right by the door. I hadn't even seen it because of where I was standing, but I got soooo excited. She let me hold it and I was in heaven! My companion thought I was crazy, but I was so happy. God just loves us too much.

I hope you all have an amazing week and seek out those little miracles! God wants to bless us so badly! He'll do anything and everything to make us happy:)

Love you all!

Hermana Peck

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