Monday, March 9, 2015

Kids make miracles happen

Man, this week has been so crazy busy! I love weeks like this. I've been yearning for weeks like this. It feels like I get so much done and the spirit is so strong when we have weeks like this. But, I'll start off with the boring stuff first.

(Don't read this if you have a weak stomach) So, This week at district lunch, we went to some random, on the corner, Mexican restaurant in Pampa. I thought it was GOOD. But I don't know what it is about my companions, but they just can't hang some days. Sister Ogles ran into the car after lunch and basically puked her guts out. Poor girl can't catch a break. So, Tuesday we didn't get to work much, but our house got nice and clean because of it!

Wednesday we got back out to work, and it was so fun. We had a lesson with a new investigator in the morning and I don't think I've ever experienced something so crazy. During the period of a 20 minute lesson, her child  repeatedly hit me in the face with a ninja turtle, the pizza guy came, the fire alarm rang for half the lesson, and the entire time she talked about how her kid just killed their dog and it died on the blanket we were sitting on and how the Book of Mormon looks like an AA book. Sometimes, I don't understand God's sense of humor, but you just have to laugh away lessons like those and keep looking for those who are prepared:)

Also, we found another family to teach! They are so amazing. Their son is 12 and probably the most solid person I've ever met. He LOVES praying and he will not let his family go to bed without saying family prayer now that we committed them to. Kids make miracles happen in missionary work, I'm telling ya! I don't know much about them, because we only taught them once, but I'll keep you updated on their progress!

Later in the week, a former investigator from like 6 months ago called us freaking out because he heard some war was starting and he had a dream about it too so he wanted our opinion on it. Haha, we'll take it! He has been taught for about 6 years off and on, but he seems to really want it. I couldn't believe the lesson. Never have I had an investigator be so close to the spirit. He was seriously teaching me and Sister Ogles things the entire time. Everything he said, you could just tell that he is really seeking truth.

Also, on Friday, a miracle happened. I don't know if I mentioned this, but at the beginning of our transfer, Sister Ogles said that missionaries can't have fun because that leads them to break rules. JUST ABOUT KILLED ME. So, I've been working on that:) And while we were driving home from service, she randomly said something along the lines of, "wow, I have had so much fun today. And we didn't break any mission rules. I guess you can have fun as a missionary." I cannot begin to express how happy my heart was. FINALLY! Looks like this next transfer with Sister Ogles in Borger will be full of fun:) (Oh yeah, transfer calls came on Saturday!)

Saturday was an amazing day! We got to go to the temple and see a family  be sealed that was baptized about a year ago! The room was FULL of missionaries. Ones that had gone home, and ones that were all over the mission still. It was so cool to see all the people that worked to help this family get sealed. My favorite part was when their kids came in. MELTED MY HEART. It was the cutest thing ever. #familiesareforeverforreals I love this gospel and how happy it makes us and our families!

Sunday, we had a baptism with the daughter of one of our less active sisters. It was so amazing! She normally has work and can't come to church, but she wanted this so badly for her daughter, and you could just see the Lord moving mountains for their family this Sunday. It brought their family so close, and you could just feel the spirit in their home that night. Once again, I love this gospel and how happy it makes us and our families!

Also, this Sunday we were driving and these two like 6 year old boys came flying down the road in some sort of dune buggy (is that what they're called), cut me off, and then started spinning doughnuts on the side of the road. SCARED ME TO DEATH. I don't know how two kids (like LITTLE kids) were driving on the road, but I just about died laughing about how ridiculous it was. Only in Borger...

There is so much more to share, but no time at all! I love you! Have a great week:)

Hermana Peck

Bible belt notice
The district 
Best temple trip yet!
Grace's baptism!

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