Monday, March 2, 2015

Fun is happening in Borger!

So this week I wrote everything down that I wanted to tell y'all so I wouldn't forget! Hopefully, this email will actually have something worth reading. Anyway, this week has been so packed full of random things happening. Fun is happening in Borger (FINALLY)! We went on exchanges this week and Sister Affleck came to Borger with me for the day. We had so much fun, laughed a ton, set 5 baptismal dates, and had a lesson at Braums. It was a busy 24 hours, that's for sure. Plus, she doesn't speak a lick of spanish, so I taught 100% of the spanish lessons. Plus, never did I ever get lost. NOT ONCE. Hallelujah to that. I was so paranoid that I would. Me and Sister Ogles had driving privileges switched so I can keep getting to know the area in case she gets transferred. And just my luck, a snowstorm rolled in the next day and I got stuck relearning how to drive in the snow. I may have given Sister Ogles a few heart attacks, but we're alive!

I finally convinced Sister Ogles to go to the doctor this's our first counselor in the bishopric, so it was a little awkward, but they fit us in quick! He thought she had mono hahaha he would not let it go either, because the idea of a missionary with mono is just wrong. But it came back idea what's wrong, but we'll keep working anyway!

We had dinner with a member this week and she is the epitome of mom, but like 100% more intense. She has this crazy huge garden, pigs, chickens, all of it. And she loves music and I could just go on but there's no time. Anyway, it just felt a little homey this week with her. I think mom and her will be best friends. Too bad she doesn't use Facebook...that's like the one difference. I also got albondigas this week! FINALLY SOME HISPANIC FOOD. It is my fave and I just about died when they brought it out to us. And it was at the end of probably the worst and coldest bike day of my life. Such a blessing. While we were setting the table that night, her son came up behind me and just lifted up my skirt awkward. Luckily I had on tights, but that doesn't do much!

Our investigators are doing well. They are progressing! Progression in Borger is way different from other area's definitions, but it is still great:) And people I would have never expected to progress are doing so well. Just keep praying for them. "Anti" is big out here, and it is so heartbreaking when that happens!

Also, last night while we were driving home, there were these dogs just running around all the cars and we couldn't move for a good 30 seconds...they wouldn't leave! No idea where they came from or where they were headed, but they were super happy and it was adorable.

Okay, I have to go, but I hope y'all have a great week! Love you!!

Hermana Peck

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