Monday, March 28, 2016

18 months and 18 days later

This is it! I cannot believe it. I am eternally grateful for these past 18 months of getting to serve as a full-time missionary! It has changed everything about me, and I have been blessed to witness the miracle of the Atonement every single day since I have been here! There was such a sweet spirit getting to spend my last week in the mission during Easter week. Easter had a completely different meaning to me this year. My heart filled with joy as we testified of the living Christ! And being at church on Sunday, surrounded by so many people I love, learning together, changing together, oh wow, it was the sweetest thing. Christ lives! I know He does, and this is His gospel. How sweet it is that we get to know that and be blessed by that.

As for this last week! Wow, the weather here in the Panhandle has been changing quicker than my wild emotions I am feeling about going home! Wednesday we had 60 mph winds that would not stop. It was so warm and dry that 3 different fires around Pampa started. They evacuated the north of the town. The whole day was so wild and threw all of us off! Quite a bit of damage was done to the fields outside of Pampa, but nothing within the town! The next day, the sky was perfectly clear! And a couple days later, we got dumped on with snow for Easter. And now today is as beautiful as ever! I'm telling y'all Pampa is just representing my emotions!

Thursday was a rough bike day. We were so pumped to go out and share the Easter message with everyone! And no one wanted anything to do with us. It was so sad. We turned a corner, and saw 2 men. I thought to myself, "wow, I do not want to get rejected again. Heavenly Father, I want to do what you ask me to. Please, give me the strength and the words." We began talking with them, and one of them, Ted, was responding. He started out uninterested, explaining how he had met elders before and really did not enjoy the experience. But as we shared our testimonies and simply invited him to learn more, his heart softened. He was an answer to prayer. He expressed his understanding of how hard the work can be. He even complimented the joy we carried. It was amazing to watch his heart open as we continued talking. It changed from him not even willing to take our card to saying he wanted to watch the Easter video and giving us a referral for one of his best friends going through a rough time. He didn't accept the invitation for us to come teach more, but I know his feeling towards missionaries has changed and he is now being prepared to one day accept the message. It was so simple, but so sweet! 

The work was great this week. As always, time is running short, so I'm going to wrap up real quick. Our transfer calls were such happy news. Baby Perez is taking my place here in Pampa!! I love all the miracles and the fun moments! I love the people of Texas and New Mexico. This mission has truly meant everything to me! I know this gospel is true! I know my Savior lives, He loves me and He loves all of y'all. I'll be home in just a few days, and the tag will have to come off, but that won't change anything about me. Christ's name is so deep in my heart now, I don't have to wear it on my clothing. 

I'll see y'all in a couple days! Love you!
For the last time...

Hermana Peck

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