Monday, March 21, 2016

Enjoy to the end!

Panhandle Zone!
Ohhh my the weeks are going WAY too quickly! But I am having such an amazing time! I seriously love all that I am learning this last transfer!

Our week was so busy! Tuesday was district meeting and the exchanges with the sisters from Borger! I was with Sister Aviles and we got to teach like the entire night in Spanish. I had so much fun! I forgot what it is like to have a companion who speaks Spanish fluently, but wow the lessons were amazing! And we found a wonderful little family to teach! I am so excited about them! Just way sad that I don't get to stay and teach them more. 

Wednesday we had interviews with President Heap and I balled. But only because I was so sad about leaving Pampa and the mission. He totally laughed at me for it too, but it was needed to help me laugh about it too! But just like Adam and Eve, in order to keep progressing, I have to be driven out of the garden of Eden (aka the TLM) and head back into the real world. SO SCARY. But I am excited to see y'all and share everything that I have learned! 

Thursday we had a last minute zone conference in Borger, which I am always pumped for a reason to head off to Borger! You can just ask Sister Harvey, I was dancing like the entire drive there. I love the Panhandle of Texas with all my heart! I am totally Texan these days. The conference was amazing though. It was a training for the new Easter video. Which is AMAZING by the way. If you haven't, go watch it.  The blessings of the Atonement are so real...personally and as a family! Such a pure truth that I love and cherish. 

The rest of the week was just work, work work! I finished up my plan for returning home, that was exciting to be done with that! We also got some great things done and saw so many miracles. Some sad things too though. That always is around in the work. I broke down balling this week after Kighley and Daniel's lesson (the ones I mentioned last week). They just moved here and she is reactivating. He isn't a member. We had a great first lesson with them this week and he agreed to learn more. Then, after the second one, he basically shot the entire thing down as trash and his fiance ended in tears. I left and just balled. It broke my heart to see someone throwing away what their family needs for total and eternal happiness. But Kighley still joined us for church and she is amazing! The gospel is so true, don't believe anyone who tells you it isn't. 

We finally got to see our investigator Tricia after she recovered a bit from her c-section. Her baby is SO CUTE. I just about died not getting to hold her. But wow, I gained such a testimony of the reality of our pre-mortal lives in meeting baby Laila. Her spirit just beamed with love and power. You can tell just being in their home that she has invited such a sweet spirit. She was well taught and well prepared to come and bring about miracles in her family! And she already is changing Tricia. I may not be here to see her baptized, but she is getting SO CLOSE! And I will be there the day they are sealed. They are such an amazing family! 

Anyway, I have to go, time is running low. I love you all and I am so excited to see what's in store this last week!

Hermana Peck

The district
Childress exchange last week!
The borger exchange!

P.S. both the exchanges pictures are outside of's a weekly thing:) Hey Peck family, Y'all are welcome to be jealous

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